Learning Diary

Documenting my learning journey throughout the years.

  • Published

    18 Feb 2022


    • [Challenge] Presented a pitch about a fictitious product to improve your chances of getting a job.


    • [English Class] Had a review of if statements and funny conversation about life and miscellaneous things.

    17 Feb 2022


    • [Challenge] Found a very interesting website to create personas and were able to complement our challenge with beautiful and organized images.


    16 Feb 2022


    • [Challenge] As an onboarding process, we were introduced to a challenge about working together to create an imaginary product to test and learn the main platform of the company, fascinating way of learning it.

    15 Feb 2022


    • [Front-end] Discovered a bug in my website that when hovering a card with react-spring effect, it goes behind the background on safari, couldn't reproduce it on Chrome, Firefox or Edge.

    10 Feb 2022


    • [English] Practiced in Talk'n Talk session about friendship and met two elders wonderful people from Brazil, really grateful for that.


    • [Clojure] Studied a little more, used some group-by function to merge related data.


    9 Feb 2022


    • [Azure Devops] Worked on some pipelines and using semantic-release to automate version based on commit, tried to solve a bug of permission.